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Understanding Disordered Eating


Disordered Eating Podcast



Each week we explore the deeper meaning of our relationship with food and our body. I interview experts in the field of eating disorders and psychoanalysis to bring you the answers about why you do the things you do and bring you one step closer to a healthier relationship with food and yourself.  

How to Raise Intuitive Eaters With Sumner Brooks MPH, RDN, LD, CEDRD

Welcome to another episode of the Understanding Disordered Eating Podcast. In this segment, I speak with Sumner Brooks, a registered dietitian (RDN), mom, and eating disorder specialist who spent 15 years working in nutrition. Her involvement includes providing nutrition therapy for adolescents and adults, public speaking, and pursuing advanced training in trauma-informed, weight-inclusive healthcare.

Today, Sumner shares her knowledge working with clients at all levels of the eating disorder spectrum. Which includes the following: Why she decided to divert into intuitive eating, the journey of writing her book, as well as some tips on how to create a supportive environment that helps support children with their food relationships. I hope that this episode will shed light on your food journey.

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Debunking Diet Myths and Redefining Health with Rachel Goodman RD, CDN

Welcome to another episode of the Understanding Disordered Eating Podcast. Today we are joined with Rachel Goodman, a registered dietitian, nutritionist, entrepreneur, public speaker, and a full-time mom. Who aims to empower women by helping them to stop their binge eating habits, diet restrictions and have a guilt/stress-free relationship with food.

Today Rachel will navigate the realms of intuitive eating. She is walking us through the guidelines that will help us untangle the chains of food restrictions and false diet culture. She also highlights the importance of eating consistently, recognizing hunger fullness cues, and redefining one’s health to achieve a happier lifestyle. Tune in to this new episode and find out more!

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Breaking Down Eating Disorder Higher Levels of Care With Catherine Silver, LCSW

Welcome to another episode of the Understanding Disordered Eating Podcast. Today I teamed up with Catherine Silver, a licensed clinical social worker in private practice who specializes in depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and body image concerns. She was also the previous Senior Team Leader at one of the nation's leading eating disorder treatment centers. 

Join the conversation as we talk about higher levels of care. Catherine shares her insight on diet culture, the different care levels, recovery process, eating disorder red flags to consider, and more. Catherine has a knack for breaking ideas down to be really easy to listen to and understand,  I hope you will learn from this episode!

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The OG Intuitive Eating Author: Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, Fiaedp, FADA, FAND

Welcome to another episode of the Understanding Disordered Eating Podcast. Today, I have the honor to speak with the OG Intuitive Eating Author, Elyse Resch. Elyse is a nutrition therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, California, with thirty-nine years of experience, specializing in eating disorders, Intuitive Eating, and Health at Every Size. She is the coauthor of Intuitive Eating, now in its 4th edition, The Intuitive Eating Workbook, and The Intuitive Eating Card Deck—50 Bite-Sized Ways to Make Peace with Food (upcoming, 2021) 

In this episode, Elyse walks us through how she was able to overcome her own eating disorder when she was younger without enough resources about intuitive eating. She also shares with us her definition of intuitive eating, the importance of honoring our autonomous wisdom, and how deprivation causes all diets to fail. I had such a fun chat with her, I hope you’ll learn and enjoy this conversation as much as I did. Let’s dive in! 

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What Does A Pediatrician Have to Say on all This? with Dr. Mark Kirschenbaum

Dr. Mark Kirshenbaum is a board certified pediatrician based in Brooklyn, New York. He graduated from Tourocom and sees all types of pediatric pathologies. He is also your go-to guy for any mental health concerns. 

In this episode, we will dive right into how pediatricians deal with eating disorders, how parents can foster healthy relationships and environments for their children, and the importance of consulting a primary care doctor. This is solely Mark’s opinion.

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Navigating the Holidays and Eating Disorders with Gila Glassberg, MS, RD, CDN

Gila Glassberg is a registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and podcast host of Get Intuit with Gila. Gila is very passionate about building a healthy relationship between her body and food, and today she helps other women reclaim the joy in eating and learn to respect and appreciate their bodies. 

With Thanksgiving and Hanukkah just around the corner, we are talking about food and family during the holidays. While this could be refreshing to most people, to some it can be very stressful. Let’s dive right in into navigating the holidays and eating disorders!

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From Patient to Healer: Linda's Story of Recovery and Utilizing Gestalt Therapy and IFS in Her Work as a Therapist

Linda Watts is a licensed social worker and a CASAC. She has been practicing for over 25 years and specializes in eating disorders, addiction, substance abuse. She also provides individual, couples, and family therapy. 

In this episode, we dive right in about her background in Gestalt therapy and Internal Family Systems (IFS.) We talk about her personal experience and how that has led her to her professional experience and where she is today. Make sure to stay tuned until the end because we will be talking about what true recovery actually looks like and how to get there!

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Stop Dieting, Start Living with Allie Landry, MPPD, RD, LDN

Allie Landry is a non-diet dietitian and she's the owner of Make Life Peachy. Her mission is to help women stop dieting, become confident in their skin, and make healthy eating easy so they can stop dieting and start living their dream life.

In this episode, Allie talks about the idea that a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be restrictive or complicated and she shares her 4-step framework to being an intuitive eater.

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Bulimia and the binge/purge cycle with The Eating Disorder Therapist aka Harriet Frew

Harriet Frew, also known as The Eating Disorder Therapist, is a therapist and podcaster in the UK.

In this episode, Harriet talks about bulimia, the binge/purge cycle, and how to work through it. The binge/purge cycle also refers to any compensatory behavior like, ahem hem, exercise.

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Utilizing Curiosity to Develop Resilience and Eliminate Harmful Comparison with Jennifer Glass, LCSW

In this episode we have the honor of hanging out with one of New York City's best therapists, named by New York Magazine, Jennifer Glass. Jennifer graduated from NYU with a master's in social work, completed her post grad training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at Training Institute for Mental health, and has a private practice in NYC.

In this conversation, we dive right into how to use curiosity to develop resilience, and how this then provides us with intentional choice. Goodbye harmful comparisons! 

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Social Media, Societal Pressure, Disordered Eating, and Poor Body Image

In this episode, Rachel Tuchman shares what health actually means and how it differs for each person. We talk about HAES, anti-diet and body positivity culture, and shares how society has contributed to having poor body image and disordered eating. We take deep dive on how social media has exacerbated these issues. Stay tuned for resources at the end!

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About Rachelle Heinemann Therapy - Brooklyn NYC LMHC.png

Meet Your Host

Rachelle is a licensed mental health counselor, eating disorder and analytic therapist. 

Rachelle works with clients in New York City and Brooklyn to make sense of life’s messy emotional experiences.