Anxiety Therapy
For adults in NY and NJ
You worry. A lot. Like way more than is helpful.
You seem to be doing calculations in your mind all the time.
How long will it take me to get ready in the morning? What if I oversleep? Will I have time to make dinner when I get home? If I take this route to or from work, will I save a few minutes? If I go to that event, will I leave too late and then go to sleep really late and be tired the next day?
Sometimes it feels easier to avoid certain things entirely.
Life with anxiety can be so utterly exhausting.
It keeps you from being present and enjoying the moment.
My best friend’s wedding? I was worried about something or other all night. My niece’s birthday party? Worried. My friend’s casual get together? Worried. You can barely remember the details.

A Tour of Life With Anxiety…
Spending money with anxiety
Money is a loaded topic. Very often, you find yourself calculating how much money you're making vs spending. And recalculating. And recalculating. You internalize the “latte a day” thing and believe it’ll make you a pauper if you go to Starbucks. You want to be able to spend money freely and deliberately but the shame, guilt, and anxiety feel too overwhelming.
Hosting dinner guests with anxiety
You are having guests over for dinner. You worry about what to cook, about potential allergies, about making too little food. Will they judge you if your place isn’t neat enough or the bathroom isn’t sparkling clean? In the end, you resolve to make double the amount of food you originally planned for, spend the entire day cleaning your apartment, and promise yourself you will never again have guests.
Going to appointments with anxiety
Your mind goes haywire when planning for an appointment, meeting, or interview. What if there’s traffic and you’re late, or you get hungry and can’t concentrate? You start to get really tense and overwhelmed. Your mind seems to be escalating on its own and you can’t stop it.
Vacationing with anxiety
You’re taking a trip and stress about the packing list. You stress even when your packing list is perfect because what if the trip brings a completely unknown factor and you aren’t prepared. You worry about being late for your flight. You worry about the food situation. You worry about basically everything.
There is a better way. You can enjoy what life has to offer without getting caught up in your head.
Anxiety doesn’t have to get in the way of what you want to accomplish.
Anxiety, like many things, is protective. It may just seem annoying but anything that we experience is our mind and body’s way of keeping us safe.
Together we will uncover what function anxiety has played in your life, so that you can gain an understanding of what you actually need and get it.
We figure out what may be so difficult about being present in your life.
We bring in compassion to your past self that couldn’t survive without employing a mind in overdrive.
We process all those emotions that blanket anxiety may be covering up.

Imagine a quiet mind. Falling asleep with ease because your mind is settled.
Bumps in the road that you can accept and move on from.