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Understanding Disordered Eating


Disordered Eating Podcast



Each week we explore the deeper meaning of our relationship with food and our body. I interview experts in the field of eating disorders and psychoanalysis to bring you the answers about why you do the things you do and bring you one step closer to a healthier relationship with food and yourself.  

Body Image, Redefine Health Rachelle Heinemann Body Image, Redefine Health Rachelle Heinemann

7 Tips for Positive Body Image

We can talk about positive body image and healthy self-esteem all day… but how do we actually get there? Body image is so intertwined in your relationship with food and yourself, and therefore healing from an eating disorder. Use these 7 tips for maintaining positive body image, from better sleep to affirmations to stress management and more. Find more information on disordered eating, eating disorder treatment, and deep work therapy in NYC and Brooklyn on my website.

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Utilizing Curiosity to Develop Resilience and Eliminate Harmful Comparison with Jennifer Glass, LCSW

In this episode we have the honor of hanging out with one of New York City's best therapists, named by New York Magazine, Jennifer Glass. Jennifer graduated from NYU with a master's in social work, completed her post grad training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at Training Institute for Mental health, and has a private practice in NYC.

In this conversation, we dive right into how to use curiosity to develop resilience, and how this then provides us with intentional choice. Goodbye harmful comparisons! 

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Social Media, Societal Pressure, Disordered Eating, and Poor Body Image

In this episode, Rachel Tuchman shares what health actually means and how it differs for each person. We talk about HAES, anti-diet and body positivity culture, and shares how society has contributed to having poor body image and disordered eating. We take deep dive on how social media has exacerbated these issues. Stay tuned for resources at the end!

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About Rachelle Heinemann Therapy - Brooklyn NYC LMHC.png

Meet Your Host

Rachelle is a licensed mental health counselor, eating disorder and analytic therapist. 

Rachelle works with clients in New York City and Brooklyn to make sense of life’s messy emotional experiences.